Brexit and the scaremongering…
There seems to be an awful lot of scaremongering going on in regards to Brexit at the moment and many are screaming out for Theresa May to be ousted. I am actually quite surprised at some of those who are doing so, especially Nigel Farage. Personally, I think the worst possible thing that could happen in Brexit at the moment is for May to be ousted but do not take that to mean that I have suddenly become a fan of Theresa May or the Tories, it most certainly does not mean that. What it does mean is I take a far more critical view of things that are currently being spouted by Farage and others and I really do wonder what their own personal agendas are in all of this.
If Theresa May were to be ousted she would only be replaced by some other Tory that is no beholden to the promises she has made. Much in the same way as she was not beholden to Cameron’s promise to invoke Article 50 immediately when she replaced him as Prime Minister, Cameron only resigned so that promise did not have to be kept and this is what would happen if May was no longer PM. So let us look at the state of play in regards to Brexit at the moment…
1) TM Invoked Article 50.
2) TM has promised to follow the will of the people.
3) TM has promised no 2nd referendum.
4) TM has promised to put March 29th, 2019 our leaving date into statute law.
5) TM promised to pay no divorce bill until final agreement settled.
6) David Davis parliamentary speech clearly stated we are leaving the EU.
7) Junker publicly conceded UK is leaving the EU.
8) Barnier clearly stated UK is leaving the EU.
All of the above give me clear indications that we are leaving, so where exactly do these scaremongers get the idea that May intends to derail Brexit?
Nigel Farage on almost every LBC show says how May needs to be ousted and how she is a Remainer because she did not answer the question of how she would vote in a second EU referendum by Iain Dale but that was obviously a politically weighted question that no politician worth their salt would answer. That is because what the question really was is who does Theresa May want to upset by answering that question, 16 million voters or 17 million voters. Nigel Farage himself would not answer such a question, so why does he continuously push that false idea on people.
The other one I keep hearing is how Theresa May cowed to the EU by making them such an offer in her Florence speech. However, you do have to wonder why the Tories made such a song and dance about that Florence speech and why was it even necessary to make it at all, there were still 18 months of exit negotiations to go. The government is fully aware that the EU is caught between a rock and a hard place and cannot accept any offer because that would only entice 27 other EU states to also want a better deal or follow our lead in Brexit. This means they also know that they can offer the EU anything and they will not be able to accept and all these so-called offers of £20 billion, £40 billion or £60 billion are nothing more than invitations to treat, totally meaningless in regards to the end deal. Theresa May is obviously holding her cards very close to her chest and not letting anyone know what the Tory long game is here but I am very sure that they are seriously considering a No Deal Brexit and I also suspect that the EU are expecting the same outcome as well.
I really cannot see any good reason for getting rid of May at this stage of Brexit because I am not swallowing the nonsense being put out by those trying to oust her. If anything I would have thought the only ones wanting that to happen would be those that are not happy with the fact that she has promised to follow the will of the people. For me there are only two sides in the Brexit debate now, the UK government and the EU and I for one will not be backing the EU in this. Maybe I have missed something and there has been something to show that Theresa May needs to go, if there is I sincerely hope someone can explain what this is in the comments on this blog, if not then I do hope people will realise the May happens to be our best chance of a clean break from the EU and our economy really does not need the uncertainty that would obvious come from yet another Tory leadership battle.
The main man behind the Exit Negotiations with the EU is David Davis MP and I for one have a lot of confidence in his ability to deliver full Brexit for Britain, I have it on good authority that he is driving Barnier his EU counterpart nuts because he keeps laughing at the preposterous ideas they keep on putting forward and I am in no doubts whatsoever that he is adamant that No Deal is better than a Bad Deal… So I believe it is time we showed a little more faith in this Tory government to deliver on what they have promised unless there is something to prove they do not intend to so…
Watch this David Davis interview:
The reality of the situation is we really do not have very much choice other than to put a little bit of faith in Theresa May, there is little if anything any of us can really do now anyway and I for one will be glad when this is all over and done with. I suspect that will be early next year, followed by a General Election in 2018 and if May does walk away from those exit negotiations early then I am sure the Tories would be confident in a far better result than they got in #GE2017. I am now getting sick of every Brexit debate on FaceBook turning into another EU Referendum battle simply because the Remainers cannot accept a democratic decision made by the people or get over the fact they lost and because of this I have started a new group on Facebook called ‘Britain After Brexit and the main rule in that group is anyone trying to start a re-run of the EU Referendum will be banned. This way we actually get to debate the issues that really matter.
Update: 04/12/2017
So the DUP have stopped Theresa May selling out Northern Ireland… Well that is according to the media and all who swallowed it hook, line and sinker but the reality is the whole world and his donkey knew that would be the DUP response to such a deal and that does include Theresa May and the Government, so once again she has good reason for walking away from the exit negotiations early and doing so with her head held high. Get ready for #GE2018 people…