Dear Remainer…
Dear Remainer…
Well, this Brexit certainly has been a rollercoaster ride for us all and I see that some of you are already celebrating Theresa May’s capitulation believing that it means we are staying in the EU but you really could not be more wrong about that and you should be seriously concerned about the contents of that deal. As Nigel Farage as quite rightly pointed out that is the worst deal in history and it truly is, you should really take the time to read it but I know that you will not bother, much like you could not be bothered to read the Lisbon Treaty which happens to be the most important contract you would ever need to read before ever agreeing to but alas you do so blindly and then have the audacity to tell people like me who have read it, that I am wrong in my thinking…
I suppose Theresa May stabbing this country in the back and trying to hand the EU the whip to beat us with, for ever daring to leave the corrupt European Union will have eased the pain of losing on June 23rd 2016, over two years ago now but I really cannot see the anger and bitterness shown towards Brexiteers ever really coming to an end until you finally actually see just how wrong you have been. I heard in academia the other day someone actually saying that we are going to leave the EU just to appease the Brexiteers and then join again… I laughed at the time but now having read this nonsense Brexit deal I can see where that idea originated from, the EU want to tie us up in a transition period until we finally succumb to EU rule and rejoin the EU as full members again, that is clear reading between the lines of that deal.
If you would like to take a read of is I have posted a link on and you are more than welcome to sign up and join the debates, it is open to all, regardless of political persuasion.
So for those who are still desperate to Remain in the EU, I think it is time for some cold hard truths and I do think you should pay close attention, it could save you a lot of embarrassment later in the day. On June 23rd 2016, the people of Great Britain and Northern Ireland were given the opportunity to let the government know whether they wanted to remain members of the European Union or leave. As you all know it was the largest ever turn out for any ballot and at the end result was Leave won… Remember Cameron’s words? “This is a ‘once’ in a lifetime opportunity and the government will implement whatever you decide”. Well, he never actually followed through with the promise as he resigned on June 24th 2016 so that he did not have to. Leave won, it was a once in a lifetime decision and there were only two options on the ballot paper, it was not best of three, best of five or best of how many until the losing side wins. That was it and the democratic decision was made, accept it! Not just because it makes you a sore loser by not doing so but really it truly was the right decision and I will try to explain why.
Firstly, on leaving the EU the baseline worst scenario facing the UK will be trading on WTO rules, did you know that even as members of the EU we already trade with 24 countries, including America, purely on WTO rules. We are members of WTO in our own right and founder members of it, the nonsense about Russia and New Zealand trying to scupper our plans are just that, absolute nonsense. Without a trade deal in place, we will trade on WTO and over the past 10 to 20 years the import tariffs that are set have been lowering continuously and are now at a minimal rate. WTO is far, far cheaper than our EU membership costs and do not be fooled into thinking that the only cost of the EU was the membership fee, the indirect EU costs were significantly more than £350 million a week. The simple reality is, even in the worst case scenario Britain will still be financially better off by leaving the EU.
Now over the past 43 years, I have witnessed the decimation of our manufacturing, agricultural, energy and fishing industries to the point of virtual nonexistence. Farmers being paid subsidies not to produce, fishermen having to throw dead fish back into the sea, I could go on but for some strange unexplainable reason you Remainers think that is fantastic, it truly is like you do not have a brain cell between you. We have been paying into a project that has been intent on destroying our own economy. This is proven by Aticle 3(4) of the Lisbon Treaty, you know that contract that you never bothered to read but agree with it wholeheartedly because it means you do not have to spend 5 minutes filling out a visa application when you go off to Benidorm to get drunk and whilst there you have free roaming, the fact it was costing the country billions seems to be quite irrelevant to you. Yeah but what about my right to live and work anywhere in Europe, I hear you scream at the monitor whilst reading this, well guess what, there are plenty of non-EU citizens living and working in the EU states, it will not stop simply because we leave that political union. Though to be on the safe side I do recommend that those who are desperate to remain EU citizens should jump across there before we leave… Losing that kind of mentality from the British gene pool will only be a Brexit Bonus as far as I am concerned anyway.
I hear there was an exceptionally large turnout for the #SoreLosersVote Rally on 20th October, I heard there were three quarters of a million (750,000) which was quite an exaggeration as the police estimated 130,000 and you could not actually fit 750k in that area but ignoring the real facts for a moment lets just say 1 million people marched the streets of London to demand a peoples vote and even the Queen of Remain herself, was there demanding for another referendum, this is the same Gina Miller that took the government to court to prove that the EU Referendum was only advisory and it was for parliament to decide. Maybe some bright Remainer could explain what exactly would be the point in wasting millions on yet another ‘Only Advisory’ vote? Out of interest what would actually be on the ballot and what would happen if Remain lost again, which is the most likely outcome now that people are totally fed up with Brexit and just want it done and dusted. I have asked a few remainers what would be on the ballot paper but none have been able to tell me though I am sure none would want Leave or No Deal Brexit to be on the ballot paper this time around, that would give Remain a better chance of winning, I suppose. It would be a bit like Junker when he became the EU President, his was the only name on the ballot paper, now that is EU democracy in action for you, he was certainly favourite to win.