Theresa May – Knife Crime Summit?

According to the news our PM, Theresa May is going to hold a summit on the ever increasing problem of knife crimes here in the UK… I wonder what solutions that will bring to the table?
I actually felt I should start this article with ‘Once upon a time’ and I say that with sadness and certainly not with a smug grin, however, it is an undeniable fact that Parliament has become a pantomime these days and for those like me that do remember the great speeches in the UK parliament of the past, it is truly heartbreaking to see what a showcase of clowns, that we the people call a parliament today. However, this blog is not about ridiculing our parliamentarians or simply pointing out the obvious fact that the UK Parliament in 2019 has become a Circus Show, it is about a serious problem we have in the UK today, Knife Crimes and what can be done to put a stop to this ever-increasing problem.
Well for me, it is all very simple really and the government should have done this a long time ago, create an armed forces penal unit and those so desperate to fight can do so at the expense of the taxpayers rather than at the expense of innocent lives. These hard kids can then fight for the country instead of against it and show us all just how tough they are. So, simply introduce a new Act of Parliament that means that anyone caught carrying a knife will be sentenced to a minimum of four years in that penal regiment. It will eradicate knife crime in the UK within a month and those who then do get caught with knives will not only be given the chance to show us all what good fighters they are (Isn’t that what they are trying to prove anyway), and most of them, for the first times in their lives, will actually be contributing to the society we live in. they will end their four years, being much better people than they were before they went in and they will also have a lot more pride in themselves and this country at the end of it. Isn’t that better than sending them to prison where they come out worse than they were before they went in?
Now I know that the bleeding hearts brigade will shout and scream about this but is it not the best solution to stopping innocent young girls being stabbed to death in a park for simply being in the wrong place, at the wrong time?
This is a simple common sense solution to an ever growing problem we currently have in the UK…
Now back to politics, ask yourself this.. are we really electing the right people to represent us by simply voting for the colour of a rosette or should we start actually looking much closely at who we vote for and then vote for who we think is the best person to represent us, regardless of their party of choice. When you really think about the mess we are in today the blame does not lay with Government, nor Parliament, not even the civil and public servants, the blame lays firmly and squarely with the people who vote them in… We all moan about things and as soon as there is an election, be it local or national, we vote the same ones in. As Albert Einstien correctly pointed out… “Change will never come about by doing the same thing over and over again” and the one thing that needs to change is out voting habits. Until that happens things will always remain the same…
Feel free to rant at me in the comments section, FaceBook, Twitter, etc but if you do so, then please provide a better solution to the knife crime problem than the one I have suggested!
Marty Caine