May 2nd 2019 – Local Elections

Unsurprisingly there is not a lot of information being put out about the local elections to be held on May 2nd 2019 throughout the UK and I suspect this is to keep the choices on the ballot papers to the usual suspects, however, there are some major changes happening before those elections take place. On April 1st 2019 (ironically, April Fools Day) Poole council will be abolished and the new Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council will take over the running of the three towns as one unitary authority.
Currently, the three towns have 120 councillors but the new BCP council will have just 76 and there will be 33 wards (10 with 3 councillors and 23 with 2). I cannot stress enough, the importance, that we here in Poole have good representation on this new BCP Council and I urge people to step up to the mark to stand and be counted in this election or we will simply end up with the same bunch of councillors who so willingly handed Poole over to Bournemouth. The same councillors who voted not to discuss the closure of Poole Maternity, which means that future generations will now be born in Bournemouth, rather than Poole unless they are born at home. The same councillors that agree to spend millions on a fancy bridge that doesn’t work but say we cannot afford to have public toilets. We need to have councillors that will work on finding solutions rather than simply agreeing with whatever their party pushes forward.
As I now live in the new Newtown and Heatherlands Ward I will be standing for election in that ward and if elected I will only ever be answerable to the people of that ward, not public servants and not my own party. Engage is a party of independents who work in the best interest of those they represent. If anyone is willing to stand for election on May 2nd 2019, whether they wish to do so under the Engage banner or as an independent, I am willing to help them organise themselves and show them the correct procedures necessary to stand as I have stood before in both local and general elections as a candidate for Poole. Providing people agree to also only be answerable to the people in their chosen ward, I will assist them in any way that I can.
Anyone interested please drop me an email at
Also, I have recently embarked on a new project for Poole, which is a social media community hub for everyone in Poole. It is not aligned with any particular political party and has been created purely as a place for everyone in Poole to share information, past, present and future. I have created it because I do have grave concerns that Poole will lose its unique identity after April 1st and it will be a good place to keep Poole’s history alive in the minds of future generations to come. It is free to use and open to anyone who either lives or has an interest in Poole and you can register to join on the Pooletonians website. Once you have registered please check your junk mail folder if you have not received an automated response within two hours of registering.
It is also a great place to share Poole events, groups/societies information, items for sale, local history stories and anything else relating to Poole
Click here to visit
I have funded this Pooletonians project myself but unfortunately, I do not have the funding to promote it as I would like to and so I am reliant on word of mouth advertising. If you like what I have created then please do help spread the word by inviting your friends and family to also get on board by registering on and contributing to the hub.
If any groups or societies would like me to come along and demonstrate this new community hub than simply contact me to arrange this.
Best regards
Marty Caine